A Rosenwald School

102 Carver Lane - Appomattox, Virginia 24522
Hours Of Operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday - 12:00pm 'til 5:00pm
To visit Carver-Price Legacy Museum outside of regular hours, call (434) 352-7880.

Original Building
G. W. Carver Rosenwald School
Carver-Price High School
The Carver-Price Legacy Museum, Inc. is dedicated to the Carver-Price High School, a historic American Rosenwald property, which stands as a testament to the educational heritage of black and white Americans through preserving the building, maintaining and sharing exclusive records and artifacts, providing opportunities for research, developing and implementing programs, utilizing shared resources, and engaging all generations in the celebration of our mutual achievements through uniting us in exploring historic knowledge of our past, celebrating our present, and inspiring our future.
The Carver-Price Legacy Museum, Inc. is committed to preserving our Rosenwald building and celebrating our heritage from slavery to the present, from Civil War to Civil Rights, and to Unity for all people.
Carver-Price High School, located in the heart of Virginia, at 102 Carver Lane, Appomattox, Virginia, stands as an original historic Rosenwald School building and is a symbol of the significant change which occurred from public school segregation to integration. The Carver-Price story details a path from separation to unity in public education in Appomattox County, Virginia.
During the 1800's, local community schools were the only source of education for Negro students in Appomattox County. Leadership for change began in 1919 through the efforts of one woman. In 1919, Mrs. Mozelle J. Price began her work as supervisor of black schools in Appomattox. The first few years, she encouraged, stimulated, and inspired as she sought to meet the need of Negro children. With the Negro elementary schools on a sound basis, she began working with other county teachers on the Appomattox Training School, a Negro high school. Initially, classes were held in the First Baptist Church parsonage and in the church. As enrollment grew, the need for a school building emerged.
In 1928, a small frame building, a Rosenwald School, was built on 27 acres of land (the present site), housing three teachers and elementary and high school students. A new brick four room building was built and dedicated in May 1930. In 1952, George Washington Carver High School, which was later renamed Carver-Price High School was completed.
In 1959, neighboring Prince Edward County refused government mandated integration and closed all schools. Enrollment at George Washington Carver High School increased as Negro students crossed county lines to be able to receive an education. Classroom size grew to fifty students per classroom, but no one was turned away. Families who did not have relatives in Appomattox County, were offered a place to stay by Mrs. Mozelle J. Price at her place called Camp Winonah. After several years, parents began buying or renting homes in the county so they could live with their children again.
In 1970, Appomattox County Schools began integration, merging black and white students into the same school buildings. Carver Price High School became the integrated Appomattox Intermediate School and later Appomattox Elementary School. History continues in the uniting of white and black Americans at the re-named Carver-Price High School to Appomattox Intermediate School.
Within several miles of Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, the site of the end of America's Civil War, Carver-Price Legacy Museum, Inc. stands united in preserving this historic landmark and is dedicated to preserving and sharing this important heritage.
What We Do
We gladly accept tours from schools, churches and other civic organizations.
We currently have a number of displays depicting the daily school life of Black children in the era of segregation.
We seek to depict the history of Black Americans from their perspective. We understand that Black history is American history as well, therefore, we intend to include all people in our history
The Carver-Price Alumni Association, parent company, awards scholarships yearly to graduating seniors of the Appomattox County High School.
We are actively seeking support from grants, sponsors and donors. We are a non-profit organization.
Other Links of Interest:
Campbell County Training School Complex:
Robert Russa Museum:
Lynchburg Legacy Museum:
Appomattox Court House National Park:
Experience Appomattox:
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Carver-Price Legacy Museum
All donations will be appreciated.
Contact Us:
Mail to:
P.O. Box 833 - Appomattox, VA 24522
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Phone: 434-352-7880
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